Posts in Wellness
Three Tools EVERYBODY in the Weight Loss Industry SHOULD be Using


We ALL have clients who want to lose weight…this isn't going to change. So how do we make this happen, give our clients hope RIGHT away and get out of the "quick fix" mentality that has never worked?

I went live in our Emotional Eating Facebook Group to share the biggest reasons coaches are not having success with weight loss and the three important tools we MUST be implementing…Have a peek by clicking on the PINK link below!

CLICK HERE:Three Tools Everybody in the Weight Loss Industry Should Be Using

What are your thoughts on these strategies? How are you addressing LONG TERM weight loss in your practice? Please share below!

Are you in our interactive group for coaches on Facebook? Join us here! :

CLICK: Emotional Eating Coaches Group!

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)



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Why Affirmations are Causing More Harm Than Good!

Why affirmations are causing more harm than good….a bold statement I know…. I went live on our Facebook group and I wanted to share here!

Would love to hear your thoughts!


What do you use instead with clients who are STUCK?

A PROVEN SYSTEM to help clear the negative excuses that are getting in the way…I want to help you with this so you can get the results YOU want and your clients deserve!

I am taking offering 5 spots for  Discovery Call with me next week so I can share with you where you are getting stuck with emotional eaters and how you can start getting results  AND expand your reach!

A Discovery Call is for you if:

  • You are getting stuck with clients who do not follow your suggestions and are full of excuses
  • You are getting tired and are putting too much effort in to the work
  • You are not seeing the results you know your clients can get
  • You have never been exposed to the Cognitive Approach and are wanting to understand how you can use it in your own niche with clients

Email me ASAP to take one of these 5 spots, they will go fast!

In Freedom and Unity,

Shelley :)

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Three Ways to get Under Client Stories!

Coaches, sometimes its really confusing when our clients are caught up in the 'story' and its easy to get lost in this dialogue…

Stay with me here as I share the live post I created yesterday- talking about the 3 things you can do to work powerfully in this niche!


I would love to hear your thoughts below coaches! Who do you get under client stories?

Be sure to join us over the Emotional Eating Facebook Group for Coaches also- this is where all the action is happening!

In Freedom and Unity,

Shelley :)

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On day three of the accident recovery I am reminded of the process of recovering from emotional and destructive eating…

Today has been the hardest yet, and with a big list of things to do, a launch in progress, and many emails to respond to… I'm having to repeat that powerful word "surrender" each and every moment.
My body wants to rest, my mind is exhausted… But Letting go is a process...

And At times I can hear in the background, I am telling myself… "It's not OK."

Amazing, I thought!

This is exactly the space I was in when I was trying to recover from an eating disorder… not being able to except and just be in whatever is… Trusting that that is exactly what is meant to be at this very moment! And such a gift to have this reminder really!

The ironic part is, that today-when I finally allowed myself to be as I was – everything changed! I relaxed into that space… The muscles calm down… I felt some peace!

Working with emotional eaters requires patience and understanding for sure… But unless they have a come to that place of surrender, it doesn't matter what you do – the work will always be a challenge...

I had to do the million diets, the starvation plans, the over and under eating sessions… And had to wake up many miserable mornings to realize that I had to let go and do something different!

Today, as I rested on my couch with a cup of tea I fell into that beautiful space…

That space of allowing.

When our clients come to our websites and we offer them a different way… This allows for spaciousness and Troost to set in. It may take them to her three times to realize that this is what they need… But your words of truth and power and strength will stay with them.

When we help someone to change the cognitive patterns that are running their life.

We create space for something new.

Without that, they stay stuck in the same loop that they have been in four days, years and even decades! That Loop called insanity it can be very difficult to break.

But when we offer a real long-term solutions… We offer a way for people to break free from this – how powerful is that!

me rest
How do you offer this piece of surrendering your practice? What does it look like in your own life? Please post below, I would love to hear!

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)

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I Came Really Close to Death this Week- and Im Grateful


Sometimes we really don't know why things happen the way they do. Except maybe just to wake us up to the preciousness of each and every moment.

One minute Im driving down the street humming to the radio, the next a huge truck has run a stop sign, and is directly in front of me.

We collided. My car was totalled,

Needless to say Im a very grateful girl right now, resting at home with no broken bones and pain that will heal.

I wanted to reach out to my community here to simply say "thank-you". 

Thank-you for sharing your truth as a wellness practitioner and taking a stand for what you believe. Working with emotional eaters takes something. It is not always easy. Thank- you for being open to learn and for giving me the courage, desire and inspiration to share.

Today I feel blessed for the simple things…

The sound of the crows outside my window, my 20 year old nephew texting me that he loves me ( I never hear from him…lol), and the sound of the ocean just blocks away.

We have big work to do on this planet. And I look forward to ever more inspiration, passion and commitment to serving those with tools to think all areas of life.

Sending light and blessings to each of you- and much gratitude,


In Unity and Freedom :),


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Health professionals, how many of us tell our clients to write a gratitude list, to think positive, and to imagine their life when they are feeling happy and fulfilled?

When I was stuck in the food I really could not even think about feeling grateful… When people would tell me to be grateful and to be positive I would simply feel worse. I would feel worse about myself because I knew I should be grateful! I knew I should be positive! So what was wrong with me?… I must be really defective!

Unless we give people the tools to change their thinking, to look at what is really behind the depression, anxiety..and the FOOD, so that they can rewire those old patterns… We are doing a disservice by telling people to just be grateful! It doesn't work if we don't meet someone where they are truly at!

This is why I love the cognitive work so much – it changes the filesystems so that people can actually access that place of gratitude and positivity for themselves… And stay there! It has people look at what is keeping them in this deflate loop of negativity and stress- its the REAL heath solution!

When they use a system in order to change the thinking, then they can recognize where their assumptions about themselves and the world around them are not working. When we read something positive, we may feel good for a moment or even a day…

But unless we change the stuck files that create the pain,nothing changes for good!

Im going to be talking about this and so much more this Wednesday- Join the free call I am offering:

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I want to teach it to you!

This is for you if :

~You are a health professional who wants to expand their practice and learn how to successfully heal emotional eating! ( About 90% of your clients ARE in fact eating emotionally in some way!)
~You are looking to powerfully take your own work to the next level and learn the: 5 top proven cognitive strategies based in neuroscience.
~You are ready to go deeper with clients. You need to be inspired in your work, and you want to embrace a 10,000 launch in this industry!

Don't miss this call friends- Im going to dive deep into the approach and how you can transform your practice using these simple but powerful tools!

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)


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Cognitive Psychology: The $10,000 Game Changer… FREE INFO CALL!




This is for you if :

You are a health professional who wants to expand their practice and learn how to succsefully heal emotional eating! ( About 90% of your clients ARE in fact eating emotionally in some way!)

You are looking to powerfully take your own work to the next level and learn the: 5 top proven cogntive strategies based in neuroscience.

You are ready to go deeper with clients. You need to be inspried in your work, and you want to embrace a 10,000 launch in this industry!

Who is your Call Host?

Emerging Jewel

Shelley Ugyan recovered from a life threatening eating disorder using the cognitive techniques and powerfully walks her talk.

She works in the world today as an author, yoga instructor, and health counsellor. She is also a problematic eating therapist, teacher for the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, an IIN business coach, public speaker, educator, and cognitive strategist/ business mentor.

She trained with a Cognitive Specialist for 8 years on the strategies in this approach and is completing her masters in this area.

Shelley had her first $10,000 launch once she implemented these strategies!

Join Shelley on this free live call to discuss the Cognitive Behaviour Technique, and how it can take your business to the next level, increase your client reach by serving this population, and help you successfully and powerfully coach your clients. Ask questions and learn from other participants.

What you will get on the call:

-Build your client reach by learning how to work with emotional eaters successfully! -How to have a client walk out of your office full of hope, and ready to heal… on the first session. -Understand how to coach effectively without getting involved in clients stressful stories- avoid burnout! -Learn specific tools to get confident helping ANY emotional or compulsive eater. -Walk away with proven tools to use in your practice immediately to get RESULTS with emotional eaters!


* Please note: This is a free call line through the USA. Canadians dial in through Skype to avoid US long distance fees.




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Are we Killing our Clients with Kindness..and Even with Food?

Getting Real Here Today Guys! Are we killing our clients with kindness ..and even with food??

Ive done it and I see it everywhere in this industry.

Giving clients a meal plan or food advice..when the real problem really has nothing to do with food at all.

I know that we all go into this work wanting to really serve- and we know so much about health that we want to really make an impact that way with clients..and this is SO great!

However, if we miss the most important aspect of changing someone's health- their healthy THINKING..then we will not get the results we want!

If someone cannot CHOOSE heath, they will not be able to follow your plans, your recommendations or your amazing coaching advice.

It has nothing to do with you- its just not possible!

Until they change the cognitive files that are running the show, they will be stuck…

And we all want clients coming back 5 years later sharing their continued freedom with food- RIGHT!?

I have clients email me daily and share how empowered they are to CHOOSE health. This is what inspires me every day to keep going!

If we do the "kindness" thing, and give them a plan that does not look at what is underneath the eating, we are not serving in the powerful ways we are able!

The triangle for food recovery includes : relationships, mind, and the brain.

The cognitive work covers ALL of these elements- and its easy to use! The essential steps are:

  1. Find the thought that has them stuck
  2.  Identify the distortions with each thought
  3. Replace the thought with an affirmation they BELIEVE to be true!

How are you empowering others with LONGTERM health??

Please share below!

Coaches, are you a part of our growing community on Facebook? Join us here!

Emotional Eating Coaches FB Group!

In Freedom and Unity,

Shelley :)


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Trust Yourself.  This is what I guide my clients to do. This is what WE, as coaches MUST do.

There is a little small voice deep within you. It speaks in the quiet stillness, and it comes from the heart.

Its not about judgement or fear. Its not about "should" or doubt.

Its about truth.

When you get in touch with this, you are able to empower others to do the same. If you are always in a place of doing what you believe you "should" do, you will never have true LOVE for what you do.

When I coach, I empower, and I facilitate.

This is VERY important- and why I LOVE the Cognitive Work SO much! It is in alignment with this philosophy- and it works!

I want to show you how to TRUST yourself. How to pick your mentors, how to feel empowered and how to BREATH this confidence. I want to show you how the cognitive work gets you FREE.

Get quiet, and listen to what you need. What is your next step?

I am reaching out to offer support. Empowerment. And Facilitation. That will change your business. And your Life. If You're ready.

This is for you if: - You are tired of being - You are tired of being a million programs to try to get going in your practice - Marketing is a horrible and uncomfortable task and you struggle getting clear in your voice and authentic in your message -You want to stand out as a coach, and don't know how. - You want to make money- because money is energy and it is part of your creation on this planet - you are ready to move to the next level financially, emotionally and Psychologically , and stop playing small. - You are ready to TRUST yourself but you don't know how.

I will be raising my 1: 1mentorship fees in one weeks time. I have space for 4 new clients only. 1 signed up today. I want to show you who to KNOW what your next step is.

Yes, we need guidance, but ultimately- we need to learn how to FIND the RIGHT help..the help that has us not NEED help longterm. 

Send an email to : for an application.

Im excited for you. Its time to move FORWARD :)

Leave a comment below and please share your FIRST thoughts after viewing :)



Intuitive Eating- Is it Enough?

Intuitive Eating has become a huge buzzword in those treating emotional eating in the health profession and its not helping our clients. That is a very bold statement- I know. Stay with me here…

Having the expectation that someone who has struggled with problematic eating their entire life can simply get in touch with their feelings, emotional, sensations and intuition and guide their inner network towards healthier eating only creates more guilt, more shame and more hopelessness to those who are suffering.

Don't get me wrong- as health professionals we want to have our clients make their own choices and guide there own bodies towards understanding and feeling appropriate hunger as well as making healthy choices- but its not enough..and its not a place I would suggest starting with any problematic eater.


Because until you have dealt with what is UNDER the problematic eating, your client will not be able to stick with any intuitive exercises longterm..and it will create a sense of hopelessness that is not helpful.

Dealing with problematic eating with a step by step system is essential, and creating new neuropathways by changing the distorted thinking underneath the compulsive eating must be in place before you initiate intuitive practices.

More on that here…

I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic below!

Let's set our clients up for success- change those old files FIRST- then have them powerfully engage in intuitive eating, without stress and with ease and with abundant comfort :)

Interested in learning more about how to serve Emotional eating coaches?

Join us here!

Emotional Eating Facebook Group

In Freedom and Unity,

Shelley :)

Coaches…Please Stop Doing this with Emotional Eaters

One of the biggest mistakes I see coaches doing , is working with problematic eaters with the same "quick fix mentality" that is used to manage weight loss in the world of diets. It doesnt work to move for one session to the next with problematic eaters and hope that progress will be made. Its like throwing pasta on the wall hoping it will stick. Using tools like food planning, mindfulness and intuitive practices as a complete program will only leave you frustrated, unsure and well as your clients.

Its not enough to use high level questioning and a deep level of empathy to 'heal" the emotional component to food. They are fabulous tools- but not enough.

You MUST implement a step-by-step program of recovery for a problematic eater. There are NO quick fixes for this, but with a program that works with negative cognitions and has clients move from one essential step to the next, they can heal- for LIFE!

There are several underlying components to Problematic Eating that must be addressed- in a VERY specific order at the RIGHT time. When I was suffering myself, I was a daily meditator, had taken 3 courses on "intuitive eating" and was working with a life wasn't enough.

I found the Cognitive Approach- it changed everything… COMPLETE GAME CHANGER.

I have put together the step-by-step formula that has proven to work, not only for myself, but hundreds of other problematic eaters worldwide. It is EXACTLY what I did to heal.

I want to give you the proven system, all the tools you need in a formula that works.

We start May 1st and the Spring Discount is still valid until then!!

if not now- when?

What are other coaches saying?

As a Holistic Nutritionist and Eating Psychology Coach, Shelley’s Food christieFreedom program has provided me with another unique practical tool for my practice. It compliments my eating psychology studies perfectly but doesn’t overlap with what I have already learned. I highly recommend Food Freedom to nutritionists, health coaches, and Eating Psychology Coaches who work with problematic eaters. Thanks for a great tool Shelley! Christie Gibbs, Australia

Doing Shelley’s program absolutely took things to another level cognitively for me. In learning the exercises and implementing them I have found a huge turn around with my clients! After taking this program I was really able to use some concrete tools and language to help move them to the next level. This program is incredibly comprehensive and gives you everything you need to work with any client who might be struggling with problematic eating. I recommend working with Shelley also as she is an expert with the cognitive process and it has been invaluable in my work with clients! – Gillian

I have a HUGE vision of transforming the industry of coaching folks- as health professionals we are too focused on the food and not enough on the REAL problem.

I want to show you how to simplify your work.

I want to show you how to GET RESULTS with clients, and I want to GIVE YOU a proven system that you can implement IMMEDIATELY!

Click here for more info :


Any questions- don't hesitate to ask :

We start Sunday- I invite you to join us :)




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The ESSENTIAL Do's and Don't for an Emotional Eating Coach

Being a leader in the industry of emotional eating carries a unique set of guidelines and important understandings… When you are working as a coach with emotions, it is important that you are able to maintain a clear set of boundaries with clients, while creating a safe place for them to explore and shift the thoughts that are creating chaos with food in their lives.

What are the Essential Do's for a Coach working with Emotional Eating?

  • Be CLEAR before you market yourself. What is your MISSION statement ? What change do you want to create in the world? What inspires you to want to get out there and serve?
  • Engage with clients personally. Create discovery calls, info forms, discuss goals openly, and ask lots of questions. Let THEM do most of the talking!
  • Make your website copy CLEAR. What is it you do? What are the benefits of working with you? Can a potential clients understand what you expect out of the relationship simply by looking at your copy?
  • Get all the train necessary for you to feel TOTALLY confident in this area of coaching…WHY? Because whether its your focus or not- you WILL work with emotional eaters!

Now, What are the Essential Don'ts?

  • Do not create dependency with clients. Make it a priority to empower THEM to do the work, rather than you carrying them through it… this is why I LOVE the Cognitive Work, it does this for me!
  • Do not take on clients that you do not feel comfortable or competent working with. Pass them on or get support in order to feel confident and really serve. Practice is great and good coaching takes time, but know you limits here.
  • Never "promise" a quick fix recovery with problematic eaters. Never. it does nothing to help them. the truth is, this is an individual path, and its a one day at a time deal. However- if they follow a proven system to heal, they can recover fairly quickly.
  • Don't try to convince clients, encourage them.
  • NEVER focus on food alone with problematic eaters; its simply NOT enough. To really make a huge difference, follow a program of recovery that is based on cognitive techniques and a clear step by step outline for long term health!

Working with Emotional Eaters is the absolute most satisfying, and gratifying work I have ever done.

Empowering people to fall in love with themselves, their bodies and food  is incredibly inspiring! After just 12 weeks many of my clients have COMPLETE TURN AROUNDS!

My 12 week " Breaking Free Practitioners Training Program" has taught hundreds of health professionals WORLD- WIDE how to use these strategies and to MASTER their coaching sills with emotional eaters.

Not only that, they had an easy to use 12 Step Program to make their own and offer the clients they serve!

Click Here to Join us NOW- Starts MAY 1, Discount Ends Soon!

Here's what just one client had to say..

"The program has shed so much light and insight on why problematic eating occurs for me and that truly is the key I had been missing all along. Throughout my struggle with problematic eating, particularly binge eating, in attempts to correct the issue I would always try to go back to “self-control” and “self-discipline” tactics. I would take the diet approach and try to act based on the list of “shoulds” that I had created for myself based around eating. This never had a lasting effect and always left me falling back into the trap of uncontrolled binges and feelings of guilt, shame, and disappointment. Feeling like a failure left me in a continual viscous cycle of always reverting back to food for comfort. After going through the program and learning the reasons behind problematic eating I can truly say that I have learned the tools necessary to become free from problematic eating with lasting results. These tools have helped me to dig deep into the roots of my thought process which has helped me to understand my emotions and therefore my actions. I truly recommend this program to anyone who deals with any issues regarding problematic eating or has had a struggle with their weight – you will not regret it.” – Kayla 

I trust these tips served friends and I hope to share so much more with you in the weeks to come in our discounted program.

Don't miss this incredible offer, and join us.

I look forward to empowering emotional eaters GLOBALLY with YOU all, and creating a ripple effect WORLD WIDE that says RECOVERY IS POSSIBLE!

See you soon HERE!

Not in our Emotional Eating Facebook Group? Joins us Here! :

Emotional Eating Facebook Group

In Unity and Freedom!

Shelley :)

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3 Reasons why you NEED The Cognitive Approach- Even if Emotional Eaters is NOT your Niche!

I have had a a lot of questions as to whether or not it is helpful to learn the cognitive approach even if emotional eating is not your NICHE market..the answer is an astounding YES! This work is life changing.

My proven system of cognitive behavioural techniques will shift you clients in WHATEVER they are having problems with !


About 90% of our clients have SOME component of emotional/compulsive eating..or they simply wouldn't be hiring a health coach. They would see a dietician or naturopath…our work is SPECIAL in that we WALK our clients through the underlying destructive patterns, so they can have long term health. This system will DO that for you!!!


..And I mean- everything!! I have used this process to help clients in relationship, work, self esteem, body image, weight loss, health, personal growth, self discovery, …the list goes on and on. Not only will you use this process on YOURSELF, you will use it with EVERY client who walks in your door…whether they are an emotional eater or not!!


There is a reason why CBT is the number one tool used to treat eating disorders in therapy today. It is incredibly powerful at identifying root belief systems that are outdated ( like finding someone operating from windows 97), and updating the files to Windows 2016.

In other words, if someone comes to you and wants to lose weight, she will not be able to stick to any plans or suggestions if she is still operating from an old file system. If you "update her files" first- you will have incredible success…and your job gets MUCH easier!!

The proven cognitive system I have put together will work for any client- across the board. Its exactly what I did to heal - step by step- and its ready to use.

TODAY IS THE LAST DAY FOR THE EXTRA 1:1 CALL WHEN PURCHASING THE PROGRAM. It is a Spring Discount that I only offer ONCE a year!!

Im here to answer any questions and look forward to sharing this incredible system with you. :)

Click below or don't hesitate to contact me at :

Click Here: Breaking Free Practitioners Training Program

I love facilitating this work- and I cant wait to share it with you!! I promise- it will change something in you..stir it up…and inspire you on a whole new level!

In Unity and Freedom!

Shelley :)

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Coaching confidence? This is no small thing friends.

When I started this work I felt insecure, unsure and not confident at all in my ability to attract clients, market myself and most of all make a difference as a coach. I knew how to help myself..but how did I know it would work for other people??

What did I learn? You cannot expect our clients to have confidence in themselves and in the work you do,if you do not have this in yourself.

I almost QUIT coaching- I just didn't know if it was my thing…but this little voice inside of me kept telling me I had something VERY special, unique and POWERFUL to share.

This is : The Cognitive Approach.

I knew it worked. It healed me of addiction, emotional eating and an eating disorder…it really works. I just had to learn how to MASTER the skills in order to be laser focused with clients.


free littel girl

It needs to vibrate your entire body.

I Have NO DOUBT in my programs, my work and my ability to dive deep with clients today- but I had to do my own work to get there. I was working full time and had no money coming in 8 years ago. Today I woke up without needing to rush out the door… tea, meditation and chatting with you guys- its a good deal!


1. A step by step system that I marketed as a program that I KNEW would heal emotional eaters. ( For those who do it, I have seen 98% success rate with this program across the board!!!!)

2. A system that is SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN (CBT is now the number ONE tool used for eating disorders and psychological stress)

3. One to One training on how to facilitate the COGNITIVE WORK powerfully!


I hear way too often that coaches are stuck with confidence in one of 5 areas:

  • How to manage marketing and social media
  • How to attract more clients 
  • How to attract clients who want to get well
  • How to facilitate a deeper level of coaching so clients succeed and rave about you
  • Your coaching skills

I want to help you MASTER this confidence with emotional eaters- BECAUSE THEY ARE 90 % OF YOUR CLIENTS …EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT YOUR NICHE!


The  BREAKING FREE PRACTITIONERS TRAINING PROGRAM IS ON SPECIAL ONLY UNTIL SUNDAY. * I am including an extra 1:1 training call on the cognitive approach for those who sign up before Sunday.

What kind of things do people say after completing this program?

"I have to give Shelley Ugyan a huge shout out! She has forever changed my life! I worked with her in 2014 and since that time she set me on a path of healing and having complete freedom with food! I NEVER imagined it to be possible, but I'm writing to say it is possible and you are worth it! If you're on the fence about connecting with Shelley do not delay! She's amazing and she will help you like she's helped me. Thank you so much Shelley! I'm forever thankful for you and everything you do for others"- JENAE

If you want in on the fun and freedom, join us here friends! CLICK HERE!

Excited to have you with us friends! Lets DO this! :)

Join us here!

Have Questions? I would love to talk with you! Email me directly at :

….And don't forget to come play and network with us over on Facebook!: Emotional Eating Coaches Facebook Group!

In Freedom and LIGHT!

Shelley :)

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What Happened to Me…

My healing journey began several years ago when I was ready to CHANGE MY THINKING… and to choose not to remain a prisoner of the destructive eating patterns I had caused due to my unhealthy thinking patterns. I was diagnosed with a severe eating disorder by age 20, which I had been living with since the age of 7. I drank so I didn't have to eat, then binged secretly for hours on end. I have weighed 60 pounds more than I do now, and 20 less..I was dying with food.

I hated myself and I was hiding in my guilt and shame.

I had become imprisoned in my own body and this war spilled outwards as disordered eating, alcohol abuse, and depression. It was affecting every area of my life.

hungary model ( This is me in the depths of my self hatred..I gained 60 pounds shortly after…)

I was blessed to be introduced to the cognitive approach and started training with specialists. I knew this was my life's work. Learning that I had the power to change my thoughts and therefore my life, allowed me to go on an incredible journey of illumination and self discovery.I wrote my first program which was successful with hundreds of clients world wide.

I was asked to teach at the 2 largest nutrition schools in the world, and published my first manual. I couldn't believe that others wanted this info as much as me- but I started to realize in fact they NEEDED it.

Coaches started asking about the program and I realized I has to share this work with as many as possible- we ALL need to change our thinking in some way or another! The best gift you can give someone is this special, powerful toolbox!

Today I have absolute peace in my relationship with myself and others, and a deep acceptance and love for the beautiful being that I am. While I get angry with life, sad, disappointed and afraid at times, I always come back to the cognitive work- it is good for any situation!

Shelley Ugyan I am passionate about collaborating with coaches who are READY TO CHANGE THEIR THINKING and TRANSFORM themselves, in order to help their clients.

I am passionate about empowering women to take CONTROL of their THINKING and to take CONTROL of their own lives so they can create emotional, physical and spiritual health.

If you are a Health Professional working with Problematic Eaters, learning the cognitive approach is ESSENTIAL in getting past the road blocks that come up for EVERY person who is stuck with food.

I want to help you learn how so you can have a practice that is easy, fun and lucrative!

The Breaking Free Practitioners Training Program is having  a Spring Blitz until the end of April!

 I am offering a BONUS 1:1 call ( value $200.00) with this already incredible price to show you HOW to use this technique powerfully with others- contact me ASAP with questions at :


This is for you if you are: 

  • Frustrated with the revolving door of clients who can’t seem to break their bad acting habits
  • Exhausted trying to figure out how to help clients who don’t believe your program will work
  • Overwhelmed because of a lack of resources to truly serve an emotional or compulsive eater
  • Tired of spending $5000 a year on programs that don’t really help you go deeper with clients
  • Fed up of working evenings and weekends to try to widen your reach in your practice

I have used this proven system with clients for over 7 years now- and over hundreds of coaches are having huge launches with this proven technique. Im looking forward to showing you this method and watching you shine and step into a true place of leadership in your practice!

If you could wave a magic wand and create health business that served every client’s needs but could also keep your own specialization what would that look like?

  • A lucrative health business that brings in ideal clients you LOVE to work with
  • A sense of relaxation and satisfaction being able to share in a way that doesn’t have you feeling drained with clients
  • A confidence in coaching that empowers you to take your niche and expand it tenfold using cognitive strategies in whatever you do
  • Abundant, consistent cash flow that allows you to give generously to yourself and others
  • Deep happiness and fulfillment knowing you’re making a bigger, more meaningful impact with your gifts
  • The freedom to let go of worry and stress associated with clients not “sticking” to the program
  • Deep fulfillment and joy because you’re making the impact you were born for
  • A “done for you” program with all the tools to take your business from mediocre to thriving
  • Easy to use, cognitive exercises to use with clients who are stuck with old eating habits, or any stress or emotional issues at all!

If this sounds familiar, I invite you to join us….Click here!

Only one week left of this offer, Happy Spring!!


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4 Breakthrough Cognitive Tools that Work!

If you are following us emotional eating coaches on our Facebook Page, you are getting to understand the POWER of this cognitive work- and you KNOW that 90% of your clients will NEED these strategies at some point! Whether you work with emotional eating directly or your focus is on weight loss and nutrition, neuroscience is telling us that the brain is connected to the body in ways we never quite understood before! With stats that show that…"one-third of adults in the United States are obese and projections for the year 2030 show that number will rise to forty-two percent", health professionals must start doing what mainstream medicine is not- changing the thinking behind emotional eaters… 

4 Breakthrough Cognitive Tools that Work:

1. Set Realistic Goals With Clients.

You must set REALISTIC goals with you clients, and have a system of regular feedback for them to stay on track. In other words, no all or nothing here…not too excessive and not wishy-washy.

Be specific, and set a date, but keep the numbers out of it!… for example, "I want to be comfortable enough in my skin to walk outside this summer (6 months away) and be able to smile at myself. I will accomplish this my working with my thinking using the cognitive approach, by committing to my regular pattern of eating one day at a time and by emailing my coach weekly to help me stay focused."

2. Self- Regulation

Self-regulation requires that rather than beating themselves up for not attaining a goal, they look at what the next step is in their process of recovery. This way clients begin to notice what has worked, what didn't work, and what needs greater attention. Using the refute exercise or any of the other powerful cognitive tools in our online program for coaches will help you relax while your clients take full responsibility for this self regulation! Having them track how they are doing emotionally and what thoughts are really affecting their actions is super helpful here! 

I want to help you do this WELL and I encourage you to take advantage of training in this area to really MASTER these skills!

I am offering a complimentary REFUTE CALL, a powerful cognitive technique training for anyone who has not yet worked with me- don't hesitate and contact me asap for this FREE SESSION! (


3. Boosting the belief that they CAN do it.

When you go into any situation with the attitude that you will surely fail, you greatly reduce your odds of succeeding. It is essential to focus not just on your clients behaviours, but also on the  perceptions of their ability to make the changes they want.

The best way to improve belief in their ability to succeed is actually to have some success. Setting concrete and achievable goals, such as eating fruit at breakfast or replacing an after-dinner TV show with a walk, can build  confidence to set more ambitious goals.

*Make sure they don't have any negative thoughts getting in the way here-  get those all out in the open- and work through them with a cognitive process ASAP!

4. Incentives.

Many studies continue to show the power in mental incentives! Have your clients write a list of how they will feel when they are not self conscious about weight. Have them focus on what life will look like when they are fully in it- without worrying about weight shape and body image. …I used to tell myself-" There is more to life than lunch!" lol…

What do they want to have in their life? What do they want to work towards emotionally? socially? physically? spiritually?

Adopting a healthier lifestyle isn’t simply a matter of changing the foods in your cupboards. Lifestyle changes take sustained efforts over time and whether we achieve our goals depends on how we make them, our mindset and what we put in place to maintain motivation.

Please share with me what cognitive strategies you are using the most these days below, and any questions on this process at all!

Want to get in on the breakthrough secrets of this work?? 

The Breaking Free Practitioners Training Program is having a SPRING LAUNCH! It is on sale AND I  am offering a extra FREE TRAINING CALL ($299.00 value) with the program for anyone who purchases in the month of April!!

Thats right…only a couple weeks left of this amazing Spring offer! 


If you want to do this work, and you know you will be working with emotional eaters, then don't wait on this friends- this offer is only on for 2 more weeks!  You will get an entire program to use with clients and all the cognitive tools needed to transform your practice and others lives!

..And finally, If you are a health professional, I  encourage you to dive into the cognitive playground with us Emotional Eating Coaches on Facebook  and join our exclusive community here! Lots of great info, tips and support available!

Emotional Eating Health Professionals


I look forward to seeing you there, and hearing about how you are changing lives with this work! :)


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Health Professionals, Join Our Facebook Community for Support and Tips!

Well, we are up and LIVE and I want to personally invite you to join us in  "The Emotional Eating Coaches Facebook Group!


If you are a health practitioner of any kind who is passionate about working with emotional eaters then be sure to join our group and receive 1:1 guidance and support!

This is for you if:

  • Frustrated with the revolving door of clients who can’t seem to break their bad eating habits
  • Exhausted trying to figure out how to help clients who don’t believe your program will " work"  ( Help them stop eating emotionally)
  • Overwhelmed because of a lack of resources to truly serve an emotional or compulsive eater
  • Tired of spending $5000 a year on programs that don’t really help you go deeper with clients
  • Fed up of working evenings and weekends to try to widen your reach in your practice

Some questions you might have on working with emotional eaters…

  • Am I qualified to work with Emotional Eaters?

The biggest fear I hear from coaches is that they are just not qualified to work with problematic eaters; They do not have the training, they are not sure how to help with the psychological side of food issues and they don’t have a “target market” that fits this description.

If you are a health professional and you work with women who struggle with weight, body image issues, emotional or compulsive eating issues or women who simply can’t stick to the food plan you have suggested, then you will NEED the tools to work with problematic eaters. We all know that it is only half of the story to prescribe, diagnose and suggest a personal food plan. Whether or not the individual can follow and stick to it is an entirely different matter.

In other words, you do not have to have a client base that is primarily emotional eaters nor do you have to work with those who have eating disorders to use this work….

And you can absolutely learn to lead this work!

  • What is a Problematic Eater?

Problematic Eating is a term that describes any situation whereby a person is compromised due to an inability to eat in a way that does not cause stress physically, emotionally and/or mentally. Usually this involves a concern that is above average with weight and shape, or an overall concern about how one looks. A person with Problematic Eating will experience emotional, environmental, cognitive and/or interpersonal triggers that will lead them to act out in behaviours that are destructive around food. Emotional eating, eating in response to feelings rather than hunger, is one factor that may exist.

As a Problematic Eater, it is common for your client to feel like there is no "off "button. They may struggle with the ability to use food as its true purpose rather than a tool to mask what is really going on. … Essentially, " normal eaters" do not have distorted thinking around food.

So, now is the time to join a community that will support YOU in this powerful work!

I will provide you with tools, support and strategies for YOU to incorporate into your business in a way that fits, is congruent with your system, and makes you money!

If you haven't yet- click here to join!

Look forward to having you with me- see you there!  :)

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3 Secrets to Stop a Food Craving in its Track

SO excited to share these tips with you today! What are the 3 secrets to breaking Food Cravings?

  1. Eliminating the REAL food triggers with a simple 5 minute process!

     2. Breaking the Food Trance!  Listen to the power of the unique Food Diary that have my clients break free of the Highway hypnosis trance!

    3.  Develop a Regular pattern of eating- have a listen to how simple this can be !


If you are struggling with food, join us for our 12 week online program on discount NOW!



To learn more about the Cognitive Process, I have kept the Program discounted for a limited time- join us April 1st!

Would love to hear your thoughts below!

Happy FREEDOM!  :)

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Why Eating Psychology is NOT enough…

I've been thinking about you lately. I’ve had some time to really look at the emails and questions I am getting on social media and have been thinking of the simplest way to explain just how eating "Psychology" is limited…and WHY that matters…

Its not that I don't love a good affirmation on my fridge.

Its not that I don't walk away from a Marianne Williamson book with a big smile on my face.

Its not that I wont love a good mindful eating meditation or tips for how to chew better.

Its not that I don't appreciate understanding how the thyroid works, how hormones affect weight gain, how my emotions play havoc on my gut…

But all this INFO was  just is NOT enough to take this compulsive, emotional, knowledgeable, smart, stuck educated woman from eating mindlessly most of the time to an empowered, free spirit who loves to eat…but doesnt live for it anymore.

An alcoholic can't expect to get well simply by reading a book about alcoholism….If you don't CHANGE the thoughts and behaviours..the same darn behaviour will persist, regardless of the information you have on the topic.

Affirmations don't work if you don't believe the affirmation.

You can tell yourself over and over again that your relationship with sugar will change but if you don't believe that, it simply will not happen..


Because People do not identify their negative beliefs underneath..the negative beliefs underneath OVER-RIDE the affirmation! And that old file that says, " You will never be ok with sugar" is still there….

But when you learn how to REFUTE the negative thought and actually CHANGE the file..well then the affirmation becomes alive and this is where REAL change happens!

I am offering a 1:1 Refute Power Session to share my Secret "Refute the Negative" exercise that takes under 15 minutes to complete and will create a complete shift in those negative thoughts!

This is valid until April 10th so contact me now and lets get at those darn files…its time to be FREE for REAL!  :)

Contact me here, and be sure to tell me you want to take part in the complimentary REFUTE call!

Biggest Blessings for Freedom Always :)





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Obesity and Emotional Eating

Several theories have been proposed to explain emotional eating but the major theory associated with emotional eating is the Psychosomatic Theory of Obesity which contends that in times of distress, food is used as an emotional defense which, in turn, leads to obesity (Kaplan & Kaplan, 1957). It also posits that obesity results from overeating in order to deal with negative affective states, including anxiety, depression, anger, and boredom (no specific negative emotion is cited as a primary culprit). SO…we know that our thinking ( not our food) is connected to our emotions which cause stress..yet we still try to cure Obesity with food…..

Studies further state that obese persons engage in excessive eating in response to negative emotions, while normal weight persons have more adaptive coping mechanisms and do not eat in response to emotional distress (Faith et al., 1997). 

What are the coping mechanisms "normal weight" people have developed?


That is the bottom line…

change thoughts

These conclusions bear potential implications for the treatment and prevention of pediatric obesity and eating disorders because they suggest that interventions would benefit from incorporation of … stress-reduction techniques and promotion of positive mood.

So as health professionals, when we know that all the studies suggest that emotional eating and obesity is caused by emotions, stress, and our thinking, yet we try to combat it with food we are doing a huge dis-service. But by incorporating some fundamental techniques to help your clients shift stress, anxiety, emotional distress..and mostly negative thinking, you provide a life time of solutions..and not just with food!

Here is a simple method of thought restructuring….. the transformational three-step process I use to re-wire troublesome beliefs in my program:

1. Name it. What are you REALLY thinking, believing to be true? What’s running the show. Write it down. Get it out of your head.

2. Ask, “What would be different without this thought? What would I need to think / believe in it’s place?

3.  Write down all the reasons the old thought is distorted ( black and white thinking, should thinking, self blaming, minimizes or blows things out of proportion, is extreme…) Then write a new thought you will work to believe and what needs to change in order for you to believe this thought.

If you are a coach looking for more on this, join us for our Cognitive Coaching Program starting April 1!

If you are struggling in this area, check out our cognitive coaching online program available now at discount!

Let me know your thoughts on this below!  :)

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