Shelley Ugyan

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"There is NOT One way to Do this WORK" and INSIGHT Last Call!

If you have been feeling the following for more than 48 hours, you are moving into suffering, and Ive been there guys- its awful.

What I learned ( the hard way) ….Pain is a part of life- sufferings optional.

You feel:

1. Overwhelmed and unsure where to go next in your business.
2. Feeling like you are not congruent with your message and therefore not attracting the numbers you know you can.
3. Lack of confidence- Just don't feel powerful in your work.
4. Not clear how to attract clients and how to get yourself out there effective, and in alignment with your value system.
5. Discouraged, Feeling down, Unmotivated, Don't care, Don't feel you can do it, Cant afford to make it happen, Im not like everyone else…

When we are ready to move into our next level things start really getting heated. I mean these things start just screaming at us! We either listen and take inspired action…or we stay stuck..and suffer.

Guys- I did that- I was stuck for years and it was hell.

I felt like i was going nowhere and all I could do was compare myself to everyone else who seemed to be making traction.

I didn't trust it would happen for me.

But I took a stand for myself.

I decided that I wouldn't let life pass me by. I WAS going to have the juiciest life possible. WHY?
Cuz I deserve it.
My clients deserve it too- now I realize just how much!

I had to get out of my own way. I needed laser focused tools, assistance with plan and steps to put it into action and support along the way.

INSIGHT MASTERY PROGRAM is open for registration but I only have TWO spaces left- and it is on DISCOUNT for $100.00 off the price ONLY until Wednesday. (Must contact me for this discount and interview:

What will l happen in this 6 week mastermind?

1. Your mindset will radically shift
2. You will feel inspired to make serious progress with your next steps and you will SEE RESULTS immediately if you follow what I lay out
3. You will get clear on your brand, your WHY and your program
4. you will implement the action steps and will make back the money you put in if you are ready willing and able to show up each day in the way I lay out.
5. You will leaner the cognitive technique on yourself, will get all the breakthrough tools I use to transform mindset and will get bonuses that will blow you away when working with clients.

If you are feeling called to move forward, I invite you to listen. You deserve it. We all do. xo


In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)

ps- I shared something real important in our Emotional Eating Facebook group today..take a look below!