Shelley Ugyan

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I Cant Believe What I'm Hearing…

Conscious Ones!Since the doors to my signature program Living Brilliance opened, I’m really surprised at what I have been hearing and truthfully its hard to hear. So many amazing, talented and capable women sharing that they just don’t think it’s possible for them to maintain a successful online business…

“I’m a new health coach finishing up my last few courses and I’m convinced I won’t make any sales and wont attract consistent customers .”

“I’ve just created a course but when it comes to list building and branding authentically, I have no idea where to go from here.”

“I’d like to feel confident that I can make money but I don’t know whether it’s feasible.”

I think back to when I was starting out and Im familiar with those fears. I remember wondering how I would pay my bills, attract clients with all the online competition, and really stand out in the crowd. I worried that I didn't have what it takes..and that maybe it just wasn't meant to happen for me.Whether you’re trapped in the "busy" life of motherhood and a 9-5 job, in debt and struggling to cover your bills from one month to the next, or you’re surrounded by disbelievers who think that the online coaching business world is maxed out,it’s easy to forget what could be possible for you.

Things like:


  • Creating high end programs and packages that sell out because they WORK and waking up to bank notifications because you are making money in your sleep. 

When you are stuck in the 9-5 mindset, and have the old money stories form childhood creeping in, its hard to believe that having a successful online business is more than possible, in fact, its happening for millions.

If you’re reading this email right now, I know its because you are a heart centered, conscious entrepreneur who wants to stop settling and playing small. I know that you are here because you are ready for a bigger game. I think that you know deep down that this freedom lifestyle is available to you..and you may just be wondering: yes Shelley- but how?

The solution is right here.

 Living Brilliance Mastermind is a small, intimate group of high vibe women ready to step into personal mastery and to shine as a coach and online entrepreneur. Its about starting the new year with a decision to make 2017 the year you step into your power fully, own your worth and serve in the way you are meant to- the way that you were born to serve on this planet!

But, you may be wondering, " What is different about THIS Mastermind? I mean…how do I know it can work for me?"

Here’s the thing…there are a whole lot of courses out there these days that talk about systems and structures or “how to” steps and formulas…the problem with those is, they don’t teach you much about real client attraction, how to grow a sustainable business and how to sell. The even bigger issue is that these programs do very little to target the biggest issue of all- the personal development that is necessary to develop a long term, successful business.

Not only that, but having a true sisterhood that understands and is going through the same transformations and up leveling can change everything. Community is so important and masterminds such as this one provide the opportunity to really grow and develop with a tribe who “gets” who you are and where you are going. You don’t need to do this alone!

Be Ready to:

  • Receive all the tools and structures to create a successful online business with clients you LOVE.
  • Feel confident and clear in WHO you are and what you stand for and know what to focus on to get results and to make money.
  • Do what it takes to overcome blocks and old stories that have kept you stuck.
  • Own your worth and re-create your money story so that you are living in brilliance in all areas of your life!
  • Book clients without all of the fear and uncertainty because you’re confident - and you know what you’re doing!
  • Start maximizing your time and create space for things you love by learning to master the feminine and masculine principals of money, time and relationship.
  • Book Discovery Calls with joy and enrol clients with ease and confidence!
  • Create programs and packages that sell and are connected to your unique brand

In Essence Beautiful ones, should you desire, you will be walking away transformed- from the inside out, and will have a business you feel proud of!

Get all the details and enrol here:

LIVING BRILLIANCE MASTERMIND- $100 Discount Ends Dec 23rd!

 Shelley, x.

PS- To qualify for the discount, be sure to join our Conscious Tribe here! : Conscious Coaching Entrepreneurs Facebook Group