Shelley Ugyan

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Coaches…Why Im Not Down with the Hustle.

It seems these days that the "hustle" is more and more accepted as a higher state of being in the world coaching…

I would disagree.

If your primary purpose is to be congruent in your value system, your message, and your divine purpose on this planet – there is no need to focus on hustling anything...this comes naturally because there is a deep desire to serve that is bigger than me and you and anything that could stop that.

When you tap into that energy there is a peacefulness, a sense of calm and a drive that is insatiable! Now that's where I want to be!

If the "HUSTLE" is something that is congruent for you, fantastic..if its not then thats great too! Getting congruent is THE MOST important first step in any successful business.

When I learned what was congruent for me ( and what was not) and stopped trying to do what didn't fit with my value system, my business took off.

I WANTED to serve…I wanted to get visible and I wanted to work because I loved what I was doing. 


And its still that way today :)

Check out my video on the subject below and please let me know how you feel..congruency or hustle?


In Freedom and Unity,

Shelley :)