Shelley Ugyan

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Food Cravings and The Countdown!


With problematic eaters you must be very careful not to start with " food transfers" right at the beginning of their recovery. It seems to make sense to try to "fix" what appears broken but without a system, problematic eaters will not heal- and bandaids are not solutions as many emotional eating coaches understand.

Problematic eating is NOT a "food" issue. Of course, you will deal with the food but unless you look at the thoughts, emotions, patterns and behavior associated with these, your clients will have a hard time sticking to any diet change.
There is a very systematic process that WORKS with emotional eaters. I have used it for years with great success and if followed as laid out, it completely shifts the underlying issue with food, and makes your job a lot easier!

You do not need to be a counsellor to do this work. You do not need to have a masters degree. you just need a clear system that brings your clients into a place of RECOVERY rather than diet mentality.

This is not as easy as looking at an emotion. There is more to it.

I want to help you make this practice EASIER- it should not be stressful. I want to give you the proven system that has helped hundreds recover. It has brought me to a place of ease and grace in my practice- and a deep happiness knowing I am truly changing lives.

Many have been asking about the SUMMER BLITZ only THIS WEEK on my:
Breakthrough Practitioners Training Program!

…And I want to offer anyone who has not worked with me yet, a complimentary Discovery call to see if this is a fit for you- and if not, what your next steps should be!

Send me a PM and Im happy to jump on a call with you! I have only 3 spots available!

This special deal is for this week ONLY. I look forward to serving anyone who is really wanting to make a difference in this area :)

For some answers to commonly asked questions about the program, click here:   LIVE Q AND A!

See you there!

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)